Our bestsellers
Since Librio started back in 2017, we’ve delivered more than 700,000 picture books to over 110 countries. Discover our bestsellers and find the perfect gift.
Since Librio started back in 2017, we’ve delivered more than 700,000 picture books to over 110 countries. Discover our bestsellers and find the perfect gift.
In our popular Search-and-Find World book, you send a child of your choice on an adventurous trip around the world. In each country, they have to find themselves as well as various animals and objects typical of that country. This book promises exciting searching fun and has already captivated many children.
Perfect for ages: 2-7
“Lost for Words" is a beautiful story with dad and his little one as the main characters. Available in over ten languages and very popular with young and old alike, it's one of Librio's bestsellers. Anyone who chooses this book can look forward to a humorous and endearing story.
Perfect for ages: 0 - 99
"Welcome to the world" is one of Librio's classics. Whether it’s a gift for your work colleagues, your new godchild or your best friend's newborn twins - this book’s the perfect gift to celebrate a birth.
Perfect for ages: 0 - 3
Two main characters can be personalized in “A Tale of Two". In an exciting, adventurous game of hide-and-seek in a library, the two main characters discover the magical world of books. “A Tale of Two" is a great gift for siblings or best friends.
Perfect for ages: 2 - 8
"I highly recommend purchasing one or more of these books. They are beautiful. Filled with vibrant colors and loving wording. I purchased 3 different ones for my brother, sister-in-law and soon- to-be niece and the parents to be were over the moon with the books. 😊"
Jennifer G. about the books "Welcome to the World", "A Love Like Ours" and "Lost for Words"